


Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoy!

The other day I was going through my Facebook memories and came across this post from four years ago... It was a picture of my youngest at age one. She had just discovered running. And in this post I talked about how she was learning to run and becoming quite the fast little one year old. How, no matter what was happening when we said her name she'd run from us. I remember this very vividly; even though it's been FOUR WHOLE YEARS. I remember her chubby little legs running as fast as they could carry her! We'd laugh because well.. she was to dang cute!

Then last night we sang a song in church called "Lord I'm coming home" and all I could think about was running. This song talks about no matter how far we go or how long we're gone. We just have to come home. Sometimes we don't even realize we have drifted till we start to feel alone, cold, and abandoned. Maybe it begins in the simple things. Like, our daily bible reading that we put off, or our praying that has become short and repetitive. We are no longer faithful to church like we know we should be. Maybe we're only attending one service a week. Or no services at all. Maybe somewhere along the path we walk we have become "holiday goers."

I want to encourage you today to just come home. You don't have to run. Just like my little one.. who ran and ran until we caught her. We'd swoop her up. Give her little kisses, love on her, and carry to where ever it was we were headed. Jesus will do the same for you. Come home to him today. He'll welcome you back with open arms, Love you, hold you, and carry you. 

I want to encourage you to look up the song and read the lyrics. They really touched my heart. And I know they will do the same for you. 

Have a blessed day!



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